Design faster and smarter with Designmatix

We enhance the user experience and efficiency of major CAD tools. Stop wasting your time on repetitive tasks.
Designmatix unlocks a 60% faster workflow with automation tools and time-saving tips. Reclaim your day cut software costs.
Start your free trial now!

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Engineering Management System

  • Automated Workflows
  • WIP Dashboards
  • Dynamic Todo lists
  • Engg Change Workflows
  • Revision History
  • Drawing Logs
  • Email Notifications

Design Automation (Saas)

  • Link customer inputs to CAD
  • Link formulas to CAD
  • Link empirical data to CAD (AI)
  • Generate unlimited configurations
  • Stay platform agnostic (Integrate with AutoCAD, Inventor or Solidworks)

CAD Projects

  • Solidworks Automation
  • Inventor Automation
  • AutoCAD Customization
  • Modelling/Drafting
  • Reality Capture
  • Scan-to-BIM
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Why Designmatix

  • Fully automated AutoCAD file lifecycle management for CAD teams (EMS AutoCAD)
  • if you do not have CAD software, Try Designmatix Web Applications  (Saas) to instantly generate design and tech. documentation  
  • Specify basic requirements in Web App and get your entire CAD files + design documentation delivered instantly.
  • Special requirements ? Subscribe to the ‘CAD Projects‘ service, designed to meet your specific needs.
  • Flexible cost to fit businesses of all sizes – no requirement is too small or too big

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Designmatix In Numbers
4000+    R&D Hours                                                       2000+  Training Hours                                                   10000+  Product Development Hours                          10+  IT Assets                                         20+  Sub-Contractors                           9 Human Capital                                   2 Patent Applications (Inventions)                             5 Products launched                               3  Products Under Development                               50+ Subscribers                               6+  Supported Industry Domains                              250,000+ $  Funding Capital                                   100000+ Hours  Development Work Experience                               400+  Inputs Automated                 5+ Partnerships Associations                     100,00000+  Target Audience                     4000+    R&D Hours                                                       2000+  Training Hours                                       10000+  Product Development Hours                          10+  IT Assets                             20+  Sub-Contractors                           9 Human Capital                                   2 Patent Applications (Inventions)                             5 Products launched                               3  Products Under Development                               50+ Subscribers                               6+  Supported Industry Domains                              250,000+ $  Funding Capital                                  100000+ Hours  Development Work Experience                               400+  Inputs Automated                             5+ Partnerships Associations                                 100,00000+  Target Audience                     4000+    R&D Hours                                                       2000+  Training Hours                                       10000+  Product Development Hours              10+  IT Assets                 20+  Sub-Contractors               9 Human Capital                       2 Patent Applications (Inventions)                             5 Products launched                               3  Products Under Development                               50+ Subscribers                               6+  Supported Industry Domains                              250,000+ $  Funding Capital                                   100000+ Hours  Development Work Experience                               400+  Inputs Automated                             5+ Partnerships Associations                                 100,00000+  Target Audience                                

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